
rainy days...

after a super hot and dry summer, we finally got some rain...and it was wonderful :) i absolutely LOVE rain. no joke. it makes me so happy...and thunderstorms are the best...rain is so refreshing and happy and just beautiful...i still need to get some super awesome rain boots and an umbrella, but for now, i just like tromping around in bare feet...with maybe some wet muddy jeans added to the mix... :)

a little bit of rain lovely-ness...

i love it...so much... :)

photobooth fun...

we just got a new mac, aaaand photobooth is super fun :) i thought this was a kinda fun...


new colors

i thought i'd change the layout around a bit...i lovelovelove the new colors of the background :) yup...so that's all i've got for now!  more picturas later...


i'm alive, i promise

so.  i've been a little negligent. oopps.  i'm really sorry.  i was away at camp for the majority of the summer and now just starting to get back into the swing of "real life." hopefully, i'll be updating more frequently and sharing more photographs with y'all!

for now, God's been teaching and reminding me a lot about His faithfulness...i've always know it, but i'm coming to a time in my life where there's going to be a lot of changing and trusting going on and it's so awesome to know my God holds me in the palm of His hand, knows exactly what's going on, and is always there for me to run to... :)